Jansky Noise - Born of Black Light (2025)
There's a new album from Jansky Noise (a.k.a. Andy MacGregor), called Born of Black Light (February 2025), now available at Bandcamp . Back in 1996, Jansky Noise helped to set up with Leyland James Kirby the V/Vm Test label and worked very closely on numerous projects on the label. V/Vm was known for its plunderphonic copyright-baiting releases, turning familiar pop tunes into some chaotic collages of noise frenzy. Jansky also collaborated with Speedranch (a.k.a. Paul Richard). As Speedranch^Jansky Noise they released for Planet Mu (a label run by Mike “µ-Ziq” Paradinas) the album Mi^grate (2003), also material for such imprints as Leaf, FatCat Records and Hot Air. Furthermore, there was some solo material from Jansky Noise for Vukzid and Digital Vomit, then the 2011 album Slow Order V2 for El Perro Rojo (“The base of the album evolves around an '80s synth classic”, claims Discogs). After that there was no new music in years. Had aliens perhaps abducted Mr. MacGr...